Scientific Analysis and Visualization of the Environment

The SAVE Program (Scientific Analysis and Visualization of the Environment) was created in 1989 at the request of Silicon Graphics principal engineers, with a charter of aiding scientists in environmental research through the use of Silicon Graphics technology. The Maui S.A.V.E. Program was incubated in 1995 at MHPCC on the Island of Maui originally a joint development between Maui High Performance Computing Center, Silicon Graphics Computers and Maui S.A.V.E. Program. Running an SGI Indigo workstation as a web server on MHPCC’s T-3 Internet feed we launched nko.mhpcc.edu later branded as the three letter domain https://nko.org. We chose the abbreviation NKO to reference the Hawaiian term NO KA OI meaning the best “Maui NO KA OI” means Maui is the Best and after 30 years I can verify “Maui NO KA OI” Maui is the best. NKO.ORG is committed to promoting sustainable technologies with the goal of establishing Maui Hawaii as the environmental science and peace center of the world through educating the public with its media production and distribution on topics ranging from peace, environment, health, Hawaiian culture and spreading aloha worldwide. We had started the first live wireless Internet Broadcasting in 1996 in Maui using SGI MediaBase Server. The system was able to store video assets, play scheduled assets, search video assets within Oracle or Informix database and showcase live streams from the field captured from video camera and transmitted via Maui Sky Fiber 3G wireless device to the SGI MediaBase Server all while allowing the public to access via MediaBase over Internet. Here is one snapshot from the WayBack Machine
NKO.ORG  showcases many fantastic adventures and fortunate encounters on Maui with distinguished science/environmentalists &  Hawaiian cultural specialists.  The Maui S.A.V.E. Program continues today using Macintosh systems, no longer utilizing SGI hardware and software.  Capabilities include setup of wireless 4GLTE  broadband hotspots, Hurricane tracking, live video conferencing and online monitoring of environmental disasters in Hawaii. We use Sony video cameras in our field work for capture.


What are the scientific parameters established for the release of genetically modified mosquito release in Maui?

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The scientific parameters established for the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in Maui are primarily focused on ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the technology, as well as minimizing potential environmental impacts. Here are some of the key parameters: Safety … Read More

Understanding the August 2023 Maui Wildfires: A Scientific Perspective

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In August 2023, the island of Maui in Hawaii faced a series of devastating wildfires that not only caused significant environmental damage but also raised numerous questions about the underlying factors contributing to such disasters. Recent scientific studies have provided … Read More