For about an hour today I tried debugging problems with iMessage and FaceTime on both iPhone 5 and MacBook Pro which were not working for me.
Console log snippet:
11/18/12 11:30:25.774 AM[15]: Session 100026 created
11/18/12 11:30:26.090 AM FaceTime[2515]: [Warning] TRUST validation failed with result 5
11/18/12 11:30:26.090 AM FaceTime[2515]: [Warning] FTFaceTimeServerBag: URL bag data invalid (not valid)
11/18/12 11:31:29.791 AM FaceTime[2515]: [Warning] Found no VC chat to cancel for conference: 0D938560EE7DB80F6559E0DDAFB8CAB7A824577F1D1E3F8A with buddy: usernameremoved at gmail dot com
11/18/12 11:33:00.662 AM[1]: ([2523]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
iMessage and Facetime are both experiencing outages according to Apple’s iCloud system status page. I called Apple tech support and was told the servers that manage iMessage and FaceTime are having a problem instructed to try again Monday.
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