Happy Independence Day!
We are on tomorrow for our lunch (Hawaii time) discussion with featured guest Jay April, CEO of Akaku Community Television. We will be discussing community involvement in using and improving broadband services. As you know Hawaii’s Internet connectivity is ranked towards the bottom for the U.S. and the U.S is only in the middle of the pack globally. With our location in the middle of the Pacific, it is critical that we have top rate Internet. However, we have incumbent infrastructure providers that have a virtual monopoly and so no incentive to improve. Some communities are by-passing the large incumbents and creating community-owned systems. These are having mixed results with N. Carolina manipulated by the incumbents to create a law prohibiting community-owned systems. This issue is now being championed by Lawrence Lessig founder of the Creative Commons and FixCongressFirst.org.
Meanwhile Akaku has received a Federal Broadband Technology Opportunities Program grant. Take a deeper dive on this tomorrow.
Those of you on Maui have the option of bring a brownbag or pot luck to the MEDB Don Malcolm Conference Room. Otherwise, join us via Webex. Those who come in person are welcome to bring laptops, but bring headphones or take advantage of the speakerphone set up that we will be using. Remember the default is to mute microphones so as to avoid feedback.
We also can handle up to six video streams at a time rotating based on who is speaking. So exit Skype and other video apps and enable your video in the participants window in Webex.
To invite others to join, copy and paste everything below into your invitation.
Meeting information
Topic: Conversation with Jay April on “Communities and Improving Broadband”
Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Time: 11:30 am, Hawaii Time (Honolulu, GMT-10:00)
Meeting Number: 578 181 709
Meeting Password: aloha
To start or join the online meeting
Audio conference information
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-408-792-6300
Access code:578 181 709
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1. Go to https://coolprojects.webex.com/coolprojects/mc
2. On the left navigation bar, click “Support”.
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