A Study in Maui, Hawaii
As a volunteer member of The Medical Reserve Corps late 2020 I collaborated with The Maui District Health Office (Department of Health) under the guidance of Dr. Lorren Pang on a Post Arrival COVID-19 research project soliciting for volunteers to take a free COVID-19 test at Kahului Airport. I explained to the participants that the study results would in no way impact their ability to fly since results were not generated for at least one week from the sample collection date. I also made sure that participants had at least 20-30 minutes before their flight was leaving.
Between November 20-30, 2020 at five departure gates in Maui Kahului airport. Individuals were invited to participate if they had a primary residence outside of Hawaii, traveled from a location other than Hawaii, had a negative pre-travel PCR test 72 hours before departure, and stayed in Hawaii for up to 14 days. Participants were recruited in an active, sequential manner, and participation was limited to one person per household or travel group. Persons who had a primary residence in Hawaii or stayed greater than 14 days were excluded. Individuals who were interested but had inadequate time before boarding were also excluded. I kept a log of my excluded participants under various rejection categories. Study participants answered a brief survey with mandatory questions (state of residency and any locations visited 14 days prior to Hawaii) and several optional questions for contact tracing, including lodging, restaurants and any COVID-19 symptoms.
To read the full research paper at MedRxv follow link